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 Help with podcast!
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Posted on 03-22-11 2:12 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello Guys

I have been asked to teach my boss about podcast.
I did my research, but apart from creating a new account and adding a few links to 'My Playlist' Section, I couldnt figure out anything else.
Anybody out there if  uses podcast and knows how to use it, please enlight me on this matter.


Posted on 03-22-11 3:20 PM     [Snapshot: 20]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What exactly is it that you want to know.

A podcast is a snippet of audio/video program that you typically download to your itune first, then to your ipod. I say typically, since there are other sites where a podcast can be downloaded and apps that would let you download podcast directly in your iphone or other cell phone (no ipod needed).

Now, to download it, goto itunes store and click on podcast. Go over variuos podcasts and select the one you want. Once the podcasts are downloaded to you itune, connect your ipod and it should automatically download (sync) into your ipod. Next, goto your ipod's MUSIC (or VIDEO if it is video podcast)> Podcast (I hope I am not forgetting all the submenus) and select the podcast you wanna listen to.

There are podcasts for every subject, from business, work, science to music, movies, sports etc.
Posted on 03-22-11 4:01 PM     [Snapshot: 28]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Tell him a podcast is like a radio program. You have to have an application to subscribe to it. for iphone itunes handles podcast. For Android devices Listen is the best podcast manager. You can search from the application on the types of podcasts you want to listen to. If you subscribe to that show, the podcasts automatically appear on the new podcast list. you can set the podcast to either automatically download or you can manually download them.
For example you can search for cnet in the search box. Cnet has couple of podcasts like Buzzout Loud, Android Atlas, the 404 etc, click on it and you can listen to it, you also have the option of subscribing it for future shows. 
Most of the podcasts are free.


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