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 India has been killing Nepali leaders who spoke about Kalapani
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Posted on 07-21-20 3:39 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Some people probably don't know why Bidhya Bhandari is President of Nepal. Top Leaders of Nepal from both parties believe that it was India who was the main actor behind the death of late Mr. Madan Bhandari who was killed in 1993 when he raised issue with India many times about the Indian troops stationed in Nepali land ( Kalapani , Limpiadhura).

Some believe Nepal made Ms Bidhya Bhandari its President to taunt India. India knows now that Nepali leaders know about India's involvement in the death of Mr. Bhandari and that's why Modi came to Nepal 3 times to negotiate with the ruling party of Nepal after Nepal got a full majority Government for the first time in its history.

Some Political Analyst believe that India was also responsible in the Royal Massacre. They wanted the King gone so that they could buy the political leaders of Nepal to dance in their tunes. King Birendra wanted Indian troops removed from the Kalapani region and raised the issue with India many times through PM Marichman Singh and other former King's Prime Ministers.
A son of a security guard at the Narayanhiti Palace has told that the palace was attacked by masked men on the day of Massacre, which proves that it was some powerful State's act.

So it seems like India has been involved in covert act in removing Nepali leaders. How they will remove PM Oli, that we have to see...

Posted on 07-21-20 7:37 PM     [Snapshot: 113]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Stop your anti-India tirade. Only the leaders have to gain, we don't gain anything by being anti-India.

For Madan Bhandari death there was rumor that it was due to in-fighting within the party for leadership. The driver Amar Lama was killed by Maoists after 10 years.

Royal Massacre, there are many rumors. But it is our own weakness. If we believe such rumors then you have to answer "How come a palace guarded by 10000s of Gurkha Army has a bunch of any other army able to massacre the whole royal family?"

Personally I believe it might have been Gyanendra's master mind. But still it is just rumor. We cannot go by rumors and gesticulations.

Regarding KP Oli. What has he done for betterment of Nepal?
Has he constructed electricity from air, yet as he promised several years ago?
Has be brought the melamchi water to kathmandu yet after billions of rupees expense and Ghotala after Ghotala?

Yes Nepal should keep raising the issue of kalapani which I agree with but being anti-neigbhour is not Good. Both India and China are our Neigbhours. But I see the current trend of anti-India. Do you think the Chinese are good friends? If you think so you are sadly mistaken.
Posted on 07-21-20 8:57 PM     [Snapshot: 157]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree we should have our own personal opinions. Don't just follow the herd blindly. Do some research and think on yourself!
Posted on 07-22-20 2:21 AM     [Snapshot: 263]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Harihar, anti India tirade? What is that ? I m speaking about the truth that are happening right now. And what s that bs 10,000 gorkha army in the Palace? Have you seen the map? You know how easily people get sold out when they see $$ ?You know what India wants from Nepal? And all you can do is criticize the PM Oli just like rest of Nepalese. Please go do some research before criticizing other's work.
You post tells us that You must be either / or
1) an Indian national
2) married to an Indian
3) working for Indians

Posted on 07-23-20 1:44 AM     [Snapshot: 436]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's not about anti-India or anti-neighbor; it is about anti-encroachment, anti-blockade, anti-water politics; anti-creating conflict or terrorists like then-Maoist to produce discord and casualties of civilians for their sinister design. Nepal has been too mum for too long-diplomatically-and it has created static indifference to the core issues that are vital for the survival of any sovereign nation, more indispensable for a country like Nepal which is fixed between two giants. India, on the other hand,should focus on its own Indians who are living in abject poverty and destitution-probably more than quarter of the 133 crores-and, practice warm and beneficial relations, instead of threatening and subduing its bordering neighbor. A developed and amicable India is a huge bonus for all the countries of SE Asia.Nepal is also in dire needs for the new leaders like late Madan Bhandari who went to Trishuli too soon as now it is governed by politicians cum mafia gang, head quartered at New Baneshor BCCI...and then, opinions are like tits, everybody got them..
Posted on 07-24-20 2:29 PM     [Snapshot: 563]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Most Indians think that Nepal is fully reliable on India.
1) Eventually India gets all the money that Nepalese people earn in other countries. Nepal imports 70% of the goods from India. In addition to that Nepalese shoppers alone spend 15 to 20 million US dollars each year in the border cities of India.
2) India has been controlling the water flow in Koshi river at Koshi Barrage which is in Nepali land.
3) Every inch of India's Northern boarder with China is in dispute. Nepal has been used as a security block by India since British Raj.

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