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Surendra Shakya

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 Reviving the blog
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 03-06-22 6:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There was no use writing, or talking about Nepal's politics or anything else, since it was just a venting exercise. I happened to check the old blog as I had started my new spiritual one, when I noticed that few people have been visiting it even though I had not posted new materials for months. So, I have decided to give my comments, and share my feeling wen the topics motivate me. Here is an excerpt from today's post: Clearly, people are different. Even for a “democratic” country, people have to reach a certain status in terms of income and education, meaning that they are required to be independent thinkers capable of making objective analysis by critical thinking and use their votes to elect the most eligible people to steer the nation for the benefit of all. Is Nepal at that stage? Is Americans even eligible to measure up in that criteria? You get the point. No wonder democracy has been failing around the world. Just letting you know if you are interested to check it out.

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