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Surendra Shakya.
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Posted on 03-14-22 11:57
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Now there is this song by a former Maoist named Prakash Saput that is becoming a chagrin for those murderers and agents sponsored by our enemy neighbor India. There is a threat against the guy to take off the song. He seems ready to face the threat. People at any level of life have the ability to give something back to the country. The main problem right now is that everyone is taking but not giving. Brings to the fore this question: What are you ready to or willing to give for the sake of Nepal? Are you already giving? How?
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Posted on 03-15-22 9:19
AM [Snapshot: 52]
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I try to make new acquaintances with Nepali people not personal as much as possible. So, I try avoid calling stranger older people uncle, didi, dai etc as much as possible. It is hard sometimes you know. It is a double edge sword. You don't call them uncle, they get disappointed. You call them uncle, and they get disappointed later anyway because you didn't do things as they expected of you. 😏 Once you make relations personal, it is hard to say "no". That will bring disappointment, anger, envy, jealousy all that negative stuff at the personal level. It is better to feel those negative emotions politically against the system or corporations. My two cents...🤓
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Posted on 03-15-22 6:23
PM [Snapshot: 99]
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These rascals ain’t doing shit shakya ji. These nepali mofos are only big talkers including me
Last edited: 15-Mar-22 06:26 PM
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Posted on 03-15-22 7:16
PM [Snapshot: 126]
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What can I do for Nepal? Well, I have been saying "Buddha was born in Nepal" before Buddha was actually born. Isn't that enough?
Surendra Shakya.
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Posted on 03-16-22 2:03
AM [Snapshot: 178]
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One of the most famous saying of JFK during his inauguration speech was "Ask not what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." That is also the dharma of each citizen. if each did their little, the amount of good for the nation would be huge. Instead, the trend in Nepal or other part of the world in this age is to ask what they are receiving from the state. So, when everyone is stealing little by little, the loss is insurmountable. No wonder the per capita loan over Nepalese have increased many folds since the loot tantra arrived with thousands of main looters. Also, the universal law is that only when we give, we receive. We cannot progress unless we follow the universal law. So the question remains: what are you willing to do for Nepal, if you care at all.
Surendra Shakya.
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Posted on 03-18-22 3:19
AM [Snapshot: 296]
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I just offered in my school alumni page that I am willing to visit remote and underdeveloped area to offer my free healing service and in the process interact with the students and find talented ones, and hope to give them opportunity for better education in the top schools of Nepal. I asked if any schools or individuals would like to be sponsors or even give scholarships to such kids.