The king sia eitehr a serial killer who kileld his own family, Or is from a family of serial kilelrs, Her saw morwe deatsh in his 3 years of power of teh warm tahn in therest of the war pu t togtehr, he is corrupt, and a fool who has becoem teh finger puppet of China, he is a sin, and Nepal is sinning by not opposinghim, look at Kyrgyxz peoopel tehy ousted tehri dictator look at Lebanese, tehy did, look at Ukraianins tehy did, look at cowatrdly inferiro race Neaplis, all tehy do is suck teh Nepali king[[s cock, liek tehy are hios eucnuh, or harem, dweller, well cowards i ahve no respect for nepalis and am, sending e-mails to eth Eu to stop arnms expotrst to China, dn to ban Nepalis from our Britishj armt, you area a cowardly race, who faer equality and freedom, and love oppression and war, and submission,